Sleep for Science
School Start Time
First Bell Survey
Instructions: Please answer the questions below as accurately as you can. This information helps us compare different schools from around the world. Remember our research code: HONESTY and ACCURACY! Students should complete ONLY the top part of the form. An adult contributing additional information, should also enter school name, state, country, and postal code and use the submit button at the end of the form.

If you are a student, fill in the following information. Adults, fill in school name/address then skip below.

Student's age: years     What grade are you in?

What time does your school's first-bell ring to start in the morning? Hour   Minute  

School Name:

State:    Country:

Postal code:   If you are a student, click on this button

Only an adult involved with the school district should complete the rest of this form

Who are you?
Superintendent    School board or school committee member   Teacher   Parent   Legislator   Other

Type of School (check all that apply)
Private   Public   Parochial   Day only   Boarding only   Day & Boarding   Coeducational   Boys only   Girls only

Size of school (check one)
100 or fewer    101 to 500    501 to 1,000    1,001 to 1,500    over 1,500

Grades (check all that attend the school on a daily basis)
K   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12

Living environment of students (check all that constitute at least 1/3 of students)
Inner city   City (urban)   Suburban   Small town   Rural/farming

Socioeconomic background of the majority of students
Affluent/wealthy   Well off   Comfortable   Struggling to make ends meet   Impoverished

What is the annual per student expenditure on education in your school district?
(optional) $

Complete the table below with as much information as you can provide accurately.

School Year
Start Time (First Bell)
End Time (Last Bell)

Current Year: 2001/2002
Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Previous Years: 1996/1997
Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Hr.   Min.   |

Hr.   Min.  

Source of school schedule information
School administrator   School secretary   School committee (school board)   State records   Other

How many tiers are in your district's transportation system?
No buses   Single tier   2 tier   3 tier   Other:

If your district has changed or considered changing the schedule for high school in the last three years, has the (contemplated) change been to a schedule with:
earlier or
later start time (first bell)
no change contemplated (skip next 3 items)
earlier or   later end time (last bell)

For what principal reason has your school contemplated a new schedule in the last 3 years?
State-mandated increase in annual instructional hours
Change in after-school activities schedules
Change (reduction increase) in bus fleet
Concerns about adolescent sleep Other (describe briefly):

What barriers exist(ed) in your community to altering school schedules? Athletic practices After-school activities other than sports Teachers' concerns Parents' concerns Associated administrative costs Expense of changing the transportation system Child care before school Child care after school Others (list):

What results might occur (have occurred) from starting school later? (check all that apply) Improved attendance More absenteeism Lower tardy rate Increased tardy rate Lower grades Better grades Happier students Moodier students Decreased teacher satisfaction Increased teacher satisfaction Poorer athletic performance Better athletic performance Reduced parental involvement Increased parental involvement

Does your school curriculum teach students about sleep biology or healthy sleep patterns?
no yes
If yes, for what grade(s)? K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Thank you very much for your help with our first-bell project.