Sleep for Science
Research Instruments
The Self-Rating Scale for Pubertal Development was adapted from an instrument described in Petersen AC, Crockett L, Richards M & Boxer A (1988). A self-report measure of pubertal status: reliability, validity, and initial norms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 17, 117-133 and further described in Crockett (1988, unpublished). more

Developed in 1994 by the Bradley Hospital/Brown University Sleep Research Lab, the School Sleep Habits Survey was administered to over 3,000 high school students in Rhode Island. more

The Sleep-Wake Diary was developed in 1992. more

Hume is an open-source MATLAB program for scoring and analyzing sleep polysomnography and EEG building on the EEGLAB toolbox. Hume allows researchers to unify their sleep EEG workflow across different acquisition systems. If it can be loaded into EEGLAB, Hume can work with it. Hume supports event-marking, artifact-rejection, the generation of sleep statistic reports, inter-scorer reliability comparisons, and storing output in off- and on-line databases (work in progress). more